Feng Shui for Different Home Areas

feng shui kitchen
The Chi, a positive energy that brings in prosperity, should always flow freely through different areas in the home. The following are simple feng shui tips for the different areas in the home.

The kitchen

– The stove must be away from the door, but the cook should be able to see the door. If not possible, install a mirror.

– Never position the stove opposite the sink, refrigerator, or dishwasher. A clash of the elements fire and water is not a good idea.

– Keep your cupboard and refrigerator well stocked with food supplies. It implies wealth and abundance.

– Avoid positioning the stove directly in front of a window. Placing the stove to the side of a window is better.

The bathroom or toilet

– Never place the toilet opposite the kitchen. The feng shui fire and water elements will clash in this situation.

– The toilet must not be placed adjacent to the front door. Place the toilet somewhere far away from the front door.

– Avoid positioning the toilet door directly opposite the front door. This may lead to wasted opportunities.

– Place a huge mirror behind the bathroom sink. But never use the kind that is split in the middle, often seen in bathroom cabinets.

– Make sure that the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom and toilet are not leaking, especially the faucets.

The bedroom

– The bedroom should not be adjacent or opposite to a bathroom or toilet. If this is unavoidable, make sure you keep the bathroom or toilet door closed at all times.

– Position the bed as far away from the door as possible. But make sure you still have a good view of the door from the bed. At the same time, do not place your bed where your feet are pointed towards the door when you are sleeping.

– Mirrors should not be placed where they reflect your image as you sleep. Round and oval shaped mirrors are ideal, but make sure they are larger than your head.

– Sleeping directly on the floor is not suggested as it does not allow the Chi to flow beneath you.

The stairway

– Traditionally, the favorable number of steps in a stairway is an odd number. A spiral staircase is also a blunder because it confuses the Chi.

– The worst mistake that can happen is when the staircase leads directly to the front door. This leads to the loss of opportunities, and the residents tend to be always rushing, seldom settling in.

– A good way to slow down the flow of Chi outside the front door is to hang a wind chime on the ceiling above the base of the staircase. A heavy figurine at the floor level below may also act helpful.

Lobbies and hallways

– Hallways need to be free of impediments and are needed to be well lit. It should also be clear to anyone where they are to go next in the house.

– A nice piece of art may be hung on the wall to the end of a hallway. However, never place a mirror there; it will only reflect back the entering Chi.

– There should be no hallway in the house that leads directly to a toilet. If it is already there, just make sure the door is closed at all times.

These are some tips to overcoming and preventing Chi flow problems, giving you a harmonious feng shui home.

Feng Shui Tips for Business

Feng Shui Tips for Business

Feng shui has not only been used for achieving harmony and balance in life and home. It can also be used to achieve success in business. Feng shui and business go together especially in the orient. And in the West, some businesses have already tried applying the practice in trying to ensure success. Here are some useful business feng shui tips that you can use.

When it comes to your store, how you design and arrange interiors as well as its exterior may affect the flow of good chi. First off, you should start by looking at your store’s facade. In order to achieve good feng shui, your store’s name, design and display should stand out. This is the result of good chi flowing into your store. The strong flow of the energy can be created by a strong and clear presence in the environment. In terms of your store, it should catch the attention of a passer by through its attractive display clean store name and good lighting.

After you have made well with your store exterior, you then need to check on your interiors. When you come inside, try to take note of what part of the room that instantly take your attention. Are you attracted to look towards the right or towards the left? The location to where you are drawn is considered to be the flow of chi inside your store. You can then make use of this idea to determine how you should make the good chi flow through your store. For this you may need to create some pathways for the energy to flow in the same way that you would want your customers to explore and see the items that you are selling.

The way you arrange your office space can also affect your business. This goes with how you place your office tables and chairs. It is good feng shui advice to always sit with a solid wall behind your back. It is not good feng shui practice to sit with your back to the window for long periods of time. In the same way, you should not be sitting with your face front on a solid wall while working.

And because light and air flow greatly affects the flow of chi in the practice of feng shui, you should also try to make good use of it in your office. Try to make sure that air has a means of going inside your office by trying to open windows. Try also to let as much natural light as possible into your office in order to create an area where good chi might flow constantly. The positioning of your office furniture should also be considered so as not to impede this flow of energy into your office surroundings.

Since most offices today exists in a sea of polluted environments. This would not be a good area for chi to flow in. Air pollution in particular must be resolved by making use of different feng shui items that may aid in clearing the air for the good energy to flow in. air purifying plants can be used in order to help clean the air inside the office.

Other feng shui items such as essential oils, crystals and water fountains can also be used to cleanse or raise the energy levels in the office.

Simple Feng Shui Tips for the Home

Simple Feng Shui Tips for the Home

Part of an ancient Chinese art and science, feng shui is basically concerned with the harmonious relationship between man and his environment. It is based on a Taoist idea that nature is alive and has energy in different forms.

Many modern aficionados assert that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects, such as in the home, to help attract positive energy. The following are a few basic feng shui tips for the home:

1. A marble table in the house is not good for the career since it attracts work stress. A red sofa set too is often said to give rise to work obstacles and troubles. Replace that marble table with a wooden one, and that red sofa with any other color.

2. Have enough lighting in the rooms because light is an important source of energy. In dull spaces where natural light from the window is limited, paint the walls with yellow, which represents sunlight.

3. The bed should be placed next to a wall. You must not also sleep in a way where your feet are pointed towards the door, as this has negative connotation. A mirror where you can see yourself in as you are lying in bed has to be removed, or covered with a blanket as you sleep.

4. The doorway should not be obstructed with anything, such as shoes and other items. A clear entrance allows the positive energy to freely enter the room. It is also advised that the seating is so arranged that anyone inside the room will be able to see the door.

5. Placing mirrors in the room help positive energy dart through the area. They amplify the amount of light inside the room. Mirrors also make the room appear much larger than it actually is, giving a cozy vibe.

6. Plants represent nature, and having your self surrounded by them evokes the healing and nurturing vibrations of nature right into your room. However, dying or dead plants attract negative energy, so take them out immediately.

7. Make sure that there is no refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher and even sink placed opposite the stove. Fire and water clash; this might stir up negative energies that may cause the family members to have disagreements with one another.

8. Never allow your children to sleep on the floor because it may cause them to get sick often. Ideally, positive energy flowing underneath the bed is beneficial. So it is advised for your children to sleep in beds with space beneath them. However, it is not recommended for them to use double bunk beds because the child sleeping beneath will get sickly.

9. The flowing of positive energy is generally interrupted by disorder or clutter in the room. Positive energy should be allowed to flow freely in the room, and from one space to the other. Clutter has to be removed especially from the center of your house, which is considered the heart of the house.

10. Keep your bathroom clean and the bathroom door closed at all times since you don’t want the negative energy inside it flow outside. You might also want to close all doors in the home as you sleep as it helps provide health domestic relationships and promotes health.

For beginners, feng shui does not have to mean using particular tools to come up with a harmonious home. Sticking to the basic aspects is enough to attract the right energies into your home.